Wednesday, May 27, 2009

how can i have the marble tiles dry faster?

Dear sir,
I ma impressed with the detailed information provided in your website. It is definitely very useful especially to layman like us....
Recently, something detrimental occured at my home whereby my interior designer has inflicted 7 holes into my marble tiles and which left me with no choice but to have them removed...Coupled with a short time line, the contractors went ahead to polish the day after the marble tiels were laid and it resulted into different tonality problem! I have a stretch of more than 3 metre across the centre of my living room!!
May i have your professional advise whether it is advisable for me to have them removed and re-laid or shoudl i take the contractor's words for it that it will "dry off" on its own?? If not, how can i have the marble tiles dry faster so that it can be uniform with the rest of the room?
Jenny Ho

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