First off I just want to say thanks for supplying all the information on
your website, it has been a great help.
I manage a night time cleaning crew that has just received the task of
cleaning a new addition to our current car dealership that is
compromised of marble and granite. Even the bathrooms have granite
flooring and countertops. The stone is polished and not sealed. After
speaking to the people that installed it, they said that for daily
maintenence, someone should be on hand at all times with Swiffer mop
(ones with disposable heads). But after reading the information on the
box of the swiffer heads I am not so sure that is a good idea.
I took your advice and purchased a 24" dust mop with interchangeable
heads and it did good in picking up the dust after installation. Would
you recommend adding any spray to the mop head for a better shine or to get rid of dirt, the installers were using a dust spray but I noticed a
bit of streaking. Also, if I am going to have someone at the dealership
full time to clean up incoming dirt, what should they do in case of
stains. On your website you mention blotting the stain (with a wet
rag?), but if coffee or soda spills what exact clean up procedure do you
recommend for removing the stain on the polished, unsealed stone?
Since it is a high-traffic area I will be dry dust mopping during the
day and once at night, how often would you recommend wet-mopping, and with what type of cleaning solution to leave a streak-free shiny floor? How often do you recommend Buffing and what products do you think are
the best? I know this is a lot but I have been entrusted with keeping
this floor dirt-free and shiny and it is a big headache as of now, I
could really use your help!
findstone2006-06-21 15:20:13