Sunday, August 30, 2009

stone maintainance HELP

Dear Maurizio,
I have three problems/questions I am hopeful you can help me with. 1) I have just finisnised installing a tumbled marble floor in our shower.  The shower is not being used yet ( the bathroom is not yet completed) but I am concerned about staining since we are on well water and our water often causes rust stains.  Is there a product I should use to protect the marble from the rusty water before any staining occurs?  or is there a way that you recommend to remove these stains once they do occur?
  2) In my kitchen we installed an unglazed porcelin tile.  Am I supposed to seal this stone?  The place where I bought it said "no" although I could seal the grout if I'm concerned about any staining.  What do you recommend.  We also sealed about 1,000 square feet in our lower level that includes a playroom, a laundry , bedroom and a bath.  Should I also seal that grout?  That"s a whole lot of grout there an expedient way to do this?
3)  Our cooktop in our kitchen is surrounded on three sides by unglazed brick (it's agout 45 years old) .  I cleasned it with TSP and  now it looks pretty good but my question is how do I keep it looking good. Can I seal it with something to prevent cooking stains?  Do you have any suggestions?  The counter edge which surrounds the cooktop is granite so I think my days of cleaning with TSP are over.
Any suggestions you have which might help me will be greatly appreciated. 
LuAnne Petrie

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