Saturday, September 19, 2009

question?new granite

I have just paid the $20 via credit card to have the below question sent to industry experts.  How soon will I get replies?  I need to make decision on my granite choice right away.
I saw a granite slab today that I have never heard of.  I was told it is new from Brazil.  It was called "Matrix" and was black & dark gray in an even all over (rounded) wavy design.  At a glance it resembled black velvet or moire fabric. The movement of the pattern within the stone is very different from anything I have seen.  It is more consistent also.
Have you heard of this granite? Is it as dense as other solid black stones.  I am interested in using it for kitchen counters.  I did the lemon test and it passed with flying colors but I am cautious because I cannot find any information on it and it looks nothing like anything I have seen or heard of.  I was also told it was more than double the cost of most other granites. 
Any information would be appreciated. 
Lori Cole

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