Monday, August 24, 2009

uba tuba

We had UBA TUBA installed in our kitchen @ 1yr ago.  We have only used SCI (Stone Care International) products, cleaner, sealer & polish.  The cleaner seems to make the stone look dull, the polish, I have to hand buff several times to get all the strikes off.  Is this the best product to use on our granite?

Thanks for your help!



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Uba Tuba is charnockite not granite. You cannot seal it, it is too dense. Use some MEK or acetone on a clean rag. Soak the rag with the solvent and swipe only once. Turn the rag and repeat with a clean piece of rag every time. You are trying to remove the stuff you have built up. Never put anything on charnockite except warm water and a little soap. It is better than geological granite and perfect for countertops.